I Don’t Have Anything to Wear

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By Patricia Souder

SYNOPSIS: After eating the forbidden fruit, Eve realizes she needs clothing and frantically tries to fix the problem. Adam, aware that something significant has changed, withdraws.  Humor and irony combine to show the conflict and alienation that develop because of their disobedience.

SETTING: The Garden of Eden, shortly after Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit.

CHARACTERS: ADAM and EVE, draped simply to portray their need for a covering.

PERFORMANCE TIME: Approximately 3 minutes.

TOPICS: Effects of Sin. Disobedience. Broken relationships. Alienation. Conflict. Need for redemption. Marriage problems.

PERFORMANCE POSSIBILITIES: Men’s, Women’s, or Couples’ events. Small groups. Worship services. Youth activities. Camps and conferences. High school and college groups. Evangelistic outreaches. Marriage and premarital seminars.

BIBLE REFERENCE: Genesis 3:6, 7.

PROPS: Forbidden fruit. Leafy tree.

Script Preview for I Don’t Have Anything to Wear

Price: $3.00