Peace on Earth

SYNOPSIS: A short, performable poem that asks whether the angels were wrong to proclaim peace on earth when our world is still filled with hostility.

SETTING:  Present.

CHARACTER: A young person or an older person who longs for peace and is concerned about world conditions.


PERFORMANCE NOTE: Speak expressively with clear diction. Add appropriate gestures. Pause and breathe at the end of each line. Where there’s punctuation, pause a bit longer to allow the audience to absorb the meaning.

TOPICS: Christmas, Advent, Peace, Hope, Eternity.

PERFORMANCE POSSIBILITIES: Can be used during Advent as the Candle of Peace is lit or as a Call to Worship or Benediction. Can also be used as an introduction for Advent/Christmas carols such as “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear,” or “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.”

BIBLE REFERENCES: Luke 2: 13, 14; Isaiah 9: 6,7

PROPS: Consider dressing as someone in need or using a cane to indicate problems walking.

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