Scarlet Cord of Redemption

By Patricia Souder

SYNOPSIS: Rahab, the harlot of Jericho, and Ruth, a Moabite outsider, share their joy over the birth of Obed, Ruth’s son and Rahab’s grandson.

SETTING: Just after Obed’s birth.


PERFORMANCE TIME: 6-7 minutes.

PERFORMANCE NOTE: Characters say lines together when marked with a star.

TOPICS: God’s grace. God’s provision. The gift of life.

PERFORMANCE POSSIBILITIES: Mother’s Day. Women’s events, especially quilt weekends or sewing circles.

BIBLE REFERENCES: Joshua 2 and 6; Ruth; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25.

PROPS: Basket of cloth, including fleece, a piece of burlap or homespun, silk scarves, a red cloak, and large, flashy jewelry.

Script Preview for Scarlet Cord of Redemption

Price: $3.00