No Time!

By Patricia Souder

SYNOPSIS: As the bridegroom approaches, Vera, representing the five wise bridesmaids, tries to wake Holda, representing the five foolish bridesmaids. Holda resents being wakened and admits she didn’t take time to buy oil for her lamp even though bridesmaids were expected to provide light for the wedding procession. Hulda’s plaintive cry, “No time . . . no time at all . . . when the time comes,” is a powerful reminder of the importance of being ready for Jesus’ return.

SETTING: 1st century Jewish wedding ceremony where the bridesmaids light the way for the bridegroom to take his bride home for a wedding feast.

CHARACTERS:  VERA and HOLDA, virgin bridesmaids.

PROPS: Two tall torch lights would be ideal, but two old-fashioned oil lamps can also be used. A soft cleaning cloth.

PERFORMANCE TIME: 3-4 minutes.

PERFORMANCE NOTE: Characters say lines together when marked with a star.

TOPICS: Priorities. The return of Christ. The kingdom of heaven. Time and eternity.

PERFORMANCE POSSIBILITIES: Worship services. Small groups. High school and college groups. Youth activities. Evangelistic outreaches.

BIBLE REFERENCE: Matthew 25:1-13: Jesus’ parable of ten virgin wedding attendants.

Script Preview of No Time!

Price: $3.00